
一.概念(concept) 网站项目管理就是根据特定的规范、在预算范围内、按时完成的网站设计开发任务。 Project management is website according to the specific standard, within budget, on time delivery website development task. 二.需求分析(Demand analysis) 项目立项(A project) 我们接到客户的业务咨询,经过双方不断的接洽和了解,并通过基本的可行性讨论够,初步达成制作协议,这时就需要将项目立项。较好的做法是成立一个专门的项目小组,小组成员包括:项目经理,网页设计,程序员,测试员,编辑/文档等必须人员。项目实行项目经理制。 We received the client's business consulting, after both sides of constantly approach and understanding, and through the basic feasibility is discussed, made a preliminary agreement, when it needs to a project. A good practice is to set up a special project team, group members include: project manager, web page design, programmers, testers, the editor/documents etc must personnel. Projects for project manager system. 客户的需求说明书(The demand of customer specifications) 第一步是需要客户提供一个完整的需求说明。很多客户对自己的需求并不是很清楚,需要您不断引导和帮助分析。曾经有一次,我问客户:“您做网站的目的是什么?”他回答:“没有目的,只是因为别人都有,我没有!”。这样的客户就需要耐心说明,仔细分析,挖掘出他潜在的,真正的需求。 配合客户写一份详细的,完整的需求说明会花很多时间,但这样做是值得的,而且一定要让客户满意,签字认可。把好这一关,可以杜绝很多因为需求不明或理解偏差造成的失误和项目失败。糟糕的需求说明不可能有高质量的网站。那么需求说明书要达到怎样的标准呢?简单说,包含下面几点: The first step is to provide a complete demand explanation. Many customers to your needs and not very clear, need you to guide and help analysis. Once, I asked the customer: "you do web what is the purpose?" He answered, "no purpose, just because the other people all have, I have no!" . Such customers need that patient, careful analysis, digging out his potential, the real needs. Cooperate with customer to write a detailed, complete demand inaugurals spend a lot of time, but it is worth it, and be sure to let customer satisfaction, signed for approval. The good this a level, can put an end to many because demand unknown or understand deviation caused by failure failures and project. The needs of the poor that may not have high quality website. So how to achieve the requirements specifications standards? Simply said, include the following: 1.正确性:每个功能必须清楚描写交付的功能; Correctness: each function must be clear about the function of delivery; 2.可行性:确保在当前的开发能力和系统环境下可以实现每个需求; Feasibility: to ensure that in the current development ability and system environment can realize every demand; 3.必要性:功能是否必须交付,是否可以推迟实现,是否可以在削减开支情况发生时"砍"掉; Necessity: function if they must be delivered, whether can delay realization, whether it be on cuts in spending occurs "cut" away; 4.简明性:不要使用专业的网络术语; Conciseness: don't use a professional network of the term; 5.检测性:如果开发完毕,客户可以根据需求检测。 Detection sex: if the development, customers can according to demand detection. 三.系统分析(System analysis) 网站总体设计(Web site overall design) 在拿到客户的需求说明后,并不是直接开始制作,而是需要对项目进行总体设计,详细设计,出一份网站建设方案给客户。总体设计是非常关键的一步。它主要确定: Get the customer needs to illustrate the, and not just start production, but need to project to the overall design, detailed design, out of a website construction scheme to the customer. General design is very crucial step. It mainly sure: 1.网站需要实现哪些功能; The website needs to have what functions; 2.网站开发使用什么软件,在什么样的硬件环境; Web development use what software, in what kind of hardware environment; 3.需要多少人,多少时间; How many people, how many time; 4.需要遵循的规则和标准有哪些。 Need to follow the rules and standards what. 同时需要写一份总体规划说明书,包括: Also needs to write an overall plan specifications, including: 1.网站的栏目和版块; Section of the web site and edition piece; 2.网站的功能和相应的程序; The functionality of the site and the corresponding program; 3.网站的链接结构; Web link structure; 4.如果有数据库,进行数据库的概念设计; If have a database, the concept of database design; 5.网站的交互性和用户友好设计。 The interactivity of web site design and user friendly. 网站建设方案(Website construction scheme) 在总体设计出来后,一般需要给客户一个网站建设方案。很多网页制作公司在接洽业务时就被客户要求提供方案。那时的方案一般比较笼统,而且在客户需求不是十分明确的情况下提交方案,往往和实际制作后的结果会有很大差异。所以应该尽量取得客户的理解,在明确需求并总体设计后提交方案,这样对双方都有益处。网站建设方案的包括以下几个部分: In the overall design comes out, generally need to give the customer a website construction plan. Many web production company in consult with the business when he wa