
现在销售网站比较成熟的女装销售站已经逐渐成为了广大女性朋友们的最爱,女性朋友们的喜欢也铸就了一大批淘宝网女装购物网站的出现,网站的增多导致竞争的加剧,那么如何才能够吸引客户进入网站购买女装呢? Now the women's clothing sales site more mature XiaoShouZhan has become a large female friends love most, women friends like also casts a large number of women's taobao.com shopping website, the emergence of the web site to increase competition intensifies, so how to attract customers into the website to buy women's clothing? 用户进入网站的第一映像并不是客服态度、售后服务等方面,作为一名女人她们喜欢的是漂亮而又大方的购物网站,那么女装网站销售店应该怎么去设计网站制作页面赢得用户的喜爱呢,下面就是为各位做女装站的站长讲解的重点了。 The user to access the site of the first image and not customer service attitude, after-sales service and so on, as a woman they like is beautiful but generous shopping website, so women's web site should be how to design the site busy making page win customer's love? Here is you do for women's stand on the adsense explanation. 一. 网站栏目设计尽量短小、简单(Website design short, simple as far as possible columns)    大家先来看一下我的网站栏目,就四个小栏目,但是这四个栏目却包涵了整个网站的精华,有打折专区、宝贝专区,还有用户进行反馈的留言专区,可以说其他网站有的内容我的网站也基本包括完了,但是用户进入这个网站的时候却会发现,网站整个页面很整洁,页面设计也非常的清晰合理,最终用户才会进入下一步查看。 Everyone would see my website columns, four small column, but the four column includes the site but essence, have special discount, baby special administrative area, and the user feedback message special administrative area, can say other website some content my site is basic including over, but the user to enter the website of time but will find, the website the entire page is very neat, page design also very clear is reasonable, the end user will enter the next step to check. 二.网站女装销售图片尽量显得错落有致(Women's website sales picture tried to appear strewn at random have send) 女装销售网站的图片是网站的核心,图片的展示度在很大程度上都影响到了用户的购买欲,网站的上半部分可以采取三栏式栏目设置,即按照小大小的模式进行设计,两边插入小图,中间插入悬忽图,网站的主体结构可以使用四栏式画面,每一张图的大小长宽比为16:9,每一排的图不要超过5张,主体可以用5竖排进行画面的展示,于是整个网站的图片结构就是上大,中小,用户第一时间被上半部分吸引,第二时间被中间的小图吸引,剩下的就是最后的价格设置吸引了。 Women's clothing sales site is the core of the web site of the pictures, pictures of the display of the degrees in the very great degree are affected users buy of, the first half of the site can take three column type column setup, that is, according to the size of a small model design, insert the picture on both sides, insert the suspension and middle figure, the web site of the main structure can use four column type screen, each the size of a picture a 16:9 aspect ratio, each row of figure not more than five tickets, main body can use 5 ShuPai picture on display, then the site's picture on the structure is big, small and medium, the user the first time by half part attract, the second time in the middle of the picture is attracted, and the rest is the final price setting attracted. 三.网站价格设置应当以凸显红色为目标(Web site set price shall be to highlight red for the target) 网站的价格是决定用户购买的根本,一个合理的定价不仅仅是吸引一名顾客那么简单,更多的是需要产生回头客,而用户最喜欢看的东西也是价格,于是价格在网站中可以说起到了非常关键的作用,网站价格应当以红色为标注、3*8为大小进行背景色的渲染,价格的设定最好是保留两位数,这样看起来网站才是一个整体,如果这一个地方是一个整数,下一个地方又是一个小数,网站构建就不协调,会影响用户购买心情,所以网站价格设置应当以显著、合理、协调设置为基础。下面来看一下我的网站价格的标注方法吧: The price of the website is to determine the root of the users buy, a reasonable pricing is not only to attract a customer so simple, more is needed to generate repeat customers, and users like to see most of the things is the price, so the price on a web site can speak of to a key role, the website should be red for price label, 3 * 8 for size of the background color rendering, the prices of best retains two digits is set, so that it looks web site is a whole, if this place is an integer, a place is a decimal, website building is not harmonious, can affect users buy mood, so the website should be to set prices significantly, harmonious and reasonable, set to the foundation. See my website below the price of mark methods! 做好一个女性销售网站的前期页面设置最主要的就是这三步,网站栏目、网站图片、网站价格,如果将这三步做好了,在注意一些细节方面的内容,那么你的网站看起来就会与爱丽等等大型网站不相上下,女性朋友就是喜欢爱丽网站那种大方性和灵活性,我自己的女装网站也是结合了爱丽网和其他网站的精华,在加上自己的一些创新思维建立而成的。 To be a good women in the early period of the sales site page set up most of be the three