
企业营销型网站建设是指符合网络营销理念,以良好搜索引擎表现,良好用户体验为标准的,用于辅助企业开展网络营销活动的平台。根据企业的需要,营销型网站的功能会有很大的差异,有纯粹用于公司发布信息,有开展网上订货、在线服务等商务活动,因企业营销型网站基本是为自身服务而有别于其他商务网站。下面是笔者就东莞营销型网站建设的一些经验,分享给网友。 The enterprise marketing type website construction is in line with the network marketing idea, a good search engine performance, good user experience as the standard, to assist the enterprises to carry out network marketing platform. According to the need of the enterprise, marketing type website function will be very different, there are purely for company information, to carry out online ordering, online services and other business activities, for the enterprise marketing type website is the basic for their service and is different from the other business website. The following is the author had some experience of the construction of Dongguan marketing type site, and share with friends. 一、明确营销型网站建站目的,制定建站计划 Clear marketing type website construction plan, formulate 企业建立营销型网站的目的主要有以下几个方面:介绍企业发展情况、发布产品、服务信息 、收集客户意见、进行网上市场调查、开展网络营销、完善在线服务等等。制定建站计划,主要内容包括:网站建设的时间安排、内容的组织和编辑、确定网站的功能、网页设计风格是、网站测试发布、网站推广、费用预算等。 Build sale website purpose enterprise mainly has following several aspects: introduction to business development, product, service information, collecting customer feedback, online market research, marketing network, complete online service etc.. Make site plan, the main contents include: website construction schedule, organize and edit, determine the content of the style of website function, webpage design, website is a test release, website promotion, cost budget. 二、整合企业资源,提高网站内容质量 The integration of enterprise resources, improve the quality of site content 要避免“网站八股”式的网站内容:领导致词、公司简介、业务范围等非常简单的信息。网站的信息量越少其能够发挥的作用就越小,因此网站内容要要尽量丰富,最好对企业的资源进行整合分析,针对需要和市场情况对内容进行整理。笔者的曾遇到有企业不愿意将自己的最新产品上网的事,主要是怕别人模仿和抄袭,实际上如果你的产品能在市场上起领导作用,就应该自信自己能不断超越现在。也有企业不知道如何安排网站内容,企业可以把网站作为一个推销员,在面对客户时他应该说些什么?什么内容对客户有说服力? To avoid "website content website eight shares" type: leadership speech, company profile, business scope very simple information. The less the amount of information the site can play a role in the more small, so the website content wants to try the rich, integrated analysis of the best business resources, according to the needs and market conditions on the content of finishing. I met with the enterprise is not willing to be their latest products online., mainly is afraid others imitation and plagiarism, if your product can play a leading role in the market, you should be confident they can continue beyond the present. Also some enterprises do not know how to arrange the content of the website, the enterprise can put the site as a salesman, in the face of the customer what should he say? What is convincing to the customer? 三、企业网站建设的方法选择 Select the method of enterprise website construction 企业营销型网站建设,需要根据自身情况,选择不同的建站方式,可以自己组织建站也可以将建站业务外包等。另外,网站建设非常重要的几环节就是:域名空间选择(是独立主机、代理主机或共享主机要视自己的情况而定,建议使用独立主机)、网站程序及程序的安全性、网页设计的风格和网页布局的合理性、网站功能的全面性和完善性。 The enterprise marketing type website construction, according to their own situation, choose a different site, can organize their own site can also be the establishment of business outsourcing. In addition, some very important link website construction is: the domain name space choice (independent host, proxy or shared hosting to depending on their circumstances, recommend the use of independent host), web applications and security program, webpage design style and webpage layout rationality, web site features comprehensive and perfect. 四、编写正式网站策划书 Write a formal site planning books 通过上面的准备工作后,就要编写相应的网站策划书,以明确责任分工、预算费用、人员配置以及网站功能情况、网站上线时间、网站推广和维护等。做好网站策划书,可以很明确知道网站建设的可行性,有的放矢,将网站建设各个环节进行细致的了解。 Through the above preparations, to prepare the corresponding site planning books, with a clear division of responsibilities, budget, staffing and site function, site on-line time, website promotion and maintenance etc.. Do the site planning book, can clearly know the feasibility, website construction will have a definite obj