
网站优化者也就是我们所说的SEOER。作为SEOER不一定要会做网页,懂得很深的设计技术,但是SEOER必备的要执照以下的十大基本能力。 The website optimization also is what we call the SEOER. As SEOER doesn't have to do web page, know deep design technology, but SEOER necessary to license the following 10 basic ability. 一、熟悉网页代码(Familiar with web page code) 搜索引擎蜘蛛是直接爬行网页代码来获取信息的,所以你需要有一双和搜索引擎一样的眼睛,能清楚的识别网页html代码(特别是Title、Meta、Header、Body、Text、Alt、Tag)、CSS代码,熟悉JS、框架的运用,掌握W3C标准。 Search engine spiders crawl is directly web page code to get information, so you need to have a pair of and search engines like eyes, can clear recognition web HTML code (especially the Title and Meta, Header, Body, Text, Alt, Tag), CSS code, familiar with JS, frame, the application of master the W3C standards. 二、熟悉网站架构(Familiar with the website structure) 这是看起来很复杂而且很需要时间,包括网站域名、服务器(或空间)、页面技术、网站建设、网站功能、程序开发和数据库,但我们并不需要很精通,但至少要对Apache/IIS服务器有充分的了解,知道如何静态化,如何对搜索引擎bot进行测试。 This is looks very complex and very need time, including website domain name, server (or space), page technology, web design, web function, program development and database, but we do not need to very proficient in, but at least to Apache/IIS server are fully understand, know how to static, how to search engine bot testing. 三、良好的语言组织能力(Good language ability of organization) 这是现在SEO界普遍认为最重要的因素之一。外链建设的方法很多:提交付费与免费目录网站(如:Yahoo Directory;DMOZ)、链接交换、付费链接等等。不论你的网站是锁定百度或是Google,外链建设都是至关重要的。那么在这些过程中你会使用很多的语言,很多目录都是人工收录的,很多交换链接都是要用文字来组织与交换者沟通的,如果你的语言组织得很别扭,那么成功的几率当让小了。再说页面内容强化(Content Mapping),将网站内容与对应的关键字做最恰当的融合(如长尾关键字的运用)是非常重要的步骤,那么这个“最恰当的融合”和语言组织能力是密不可分的。同时,撰写优秀的软文,也需要良好的语言组织能力,这样写出来的软文才能获取更多更优质的外链。 This is now SEO sector generally think that one of the most important factors. The construction of the chain many methods: submit pay and free Directory sites (such as: Yahoo Directory; DMOZ), link exchange, paid links, and so on. Regardless of your website is locking baidu or Google, the chain construction are all very important. So in the process you will use a lot of language, many directories are artificial included, the lot of exchange links with the writing is to come to the organization and the exchange of communication, and if your language organization very at odds, then the probability of success when let small. Besides the page Content improved (Content Mapping), will be the site of the corresponding contents and key words do the most appropriate fusion (such as the long tail of the key word use) is a very important step, then this "the most appropriate fusion" and language ability of organization is inseparable. At the same time, write excellent soft wen, also need good language ability of organization, so write out the soft wen to get more better quality of the chain. 四、社会心理学与工程学(Social psychology and engineering) 社会心理学可以狭义到搜索心理学,在选择关键词的时候,在使用百度指数等工具的同时, 应该考虑关键字的难度(Keyword Difficulty)、关键字属性(流量与转换率关系)、到搜寻心理研究都有。比如,当用户在搜索“策划书”的时候,他们并不是很笼统的去搜索策划书这三个字,可能是“如何写广告策划书”等,所以了解搜索人群的搜索习惯和搜索心理是相当重要的。 Social psychology can narrow sense to search psychology, in choosing key, in the use of baidu index and tools at the same time, should consider the Difficulty of the key word (Keyword Difficulty), key attributes (flow and conversion relations), to search for psychological research. For example, when a user in the search "planning the book," they are not very general to search planning books these three words, could be "how to write advertising planning book", etc, so get the search habits and search search psychological is quite important. 社会工程学主要体现在外链建设和UEO上,在与大网站交换友链的时候,有必要对网站负责人做必要的了解,搜集相关资料,以便交谈后即可促成一个外链。社会心理学与工程学同时服务于SEO和UEO,只有两者有效地结合起来才是真正的SEO,才能提高用户黏度,在提高流量的同时沉淀流量。 Social engineering mainly outside the construction and UEO chain, with large web sites in a chain of exchange, it is necessary to do the necessary understanding of website, collect relative material, so that after talking to a chain can be outside. Social psychology and engineering and service in SEO and UEO, only two eff